Monday, July 25, 2011


"So far removed from all that we went through/And I tread a troubled track /My odds are stacked /I'll go back to black." 

A couple of days ago, the music world lost one of their greats.  It saddens me that Amy lost her battle on this earth. In working in the mental health field, I encounter all types of people that abuse substances.  Though I never have and never may encountered one as talented as Amy, I understand her fight.  I understand the self-medicating, I understand her wanting to escape her own reality.  Often times we don't know what people are going through, and I think the public will never understand.  However, I pray that she finds solace in the place that she now resides. 

I pray for her family, I pray for her friends, I pray for her fans, I pray for her soul...

RIP Amy.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to Accidentally, Me

Welcome to Accidentally, Me, a blog about well, umm me.  Being that I'm a frequent lurker, [read stalker] of blogs all over the web, I've decided to try to do one of my own.  I'm a product junkie, foodie, and I love all things pretty...resulting in me being quite a shopaholic. My sister tells me I need to sit down somewhere...but I digress.  It's a habit! Not to be confused I love a good bargain!  Here's to sharing my experiences with you all, good, bad, and ugly....but hopefully more good :)