Monday, August 1, 2011

BodyRock BodyRock, I make your body rock

So my friend Naima (NaimaE on Youtube), she's a classmate from school contacted me on becoming a Bodyrocker--the home workout movement.  Now many of you may have never heard of, and I never had heard of the site, but coincidentally, I had already subscribed to the youtube channel.  Anyways, I'm on this never ending quest to lose weight.  In the past 6-8 months so far, I've lost maybe 20 pounds, but I'm still not at the weight I wanna be.  I still wanna lose at least 25 more.  I'm not FAT per se, but I'm not where I wanna be, especially after baby K.

Anyways, back to, it's High Intense exercises, between (4-20 minutes) that you can do daily at home.  So none of that, "I don't have time to workout", because 20 minutes is nothing, and you don't have to go anywhere.  It's like watching basketball wives, and working out at the same time.  I think it's doable, and I want to get rid of the mommy stomach, and these thick arms.

I'll try to keep track of my progress up here, and maybe try to recruit (followers, if I ever get any, lol) and maybe a few friends.

Wish me luck!


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